Hotels in the post-Covid stage

The articles related to the consequences suffered by the hotel sector, following the arrival of the pandemic, are numerous. The question of what will happen in the future is also one of the unknowns addressed. We will now talk about hotels in the so-called post-Covid stage, a context in which we speak of survival, of the before and after in which hotel equipment has had to adapt (and reinvent itself in the field of security) in order to continue its activity.

A predictable attitude turned into fact was that, after the confinement stage, the desire to travel (with all the guarantees) would be everyone's goal, as a necessity. During the summer there has been a change in hotel booking habits. The trend towards choosing a travel agency to make the choice 'safer' is noteworthy, with a backup, according to the Smart Travel website. In fact, it puts the volume of services contracted by a physical agency at 54% nationally and, the higher the age range, the more demand is placed on it. On the other hand, there has also been a tendency to plan less and to improvise short, close escapes in some cases. In this sense, the commitment of travelers to wanting to stay in the State is remarkable. Only 37% have chosen to travel long distances and 23% to move around Europe.

This pair of guidelines fulfilled in the summer leaves a picture for the trade and tourism sectors that is constantly being described as changing and unpredictable for the coming months, with the aggravating factor of the increase in positive cases following the opening of schools.  

Hotels, forced to anticipate

The post-Covid stage is characterized by economic aspects and those relating to safety and hygiene. Hotel facilities are obliged to anticipate and ensure that they are strong enough to cope with any scenario: maintaining a staff with reduced schedules; stimulating tourist outings with powerful campaigns; investing in elements for individual protection and for the clientele in general, as well as those related to the disinfection of spaces exposed to the continuous entry of people, etc. 

The infrastructure to remain at the bottom of the canyon requires the creation of a series of strategies that guarantee the protection of staff and guests. In other words, a radical change in the perspective and concept of the business. According to the portal, the main changes that will take place in the tourism sector will be to focus on the image of hotels as "safe and supportive destinations". The aim is to restore consumer confidence. In this sense, it is becoming common (not only in the case of accommodation, but also in the commercial sector), the emergence of certifications (as recognition) as it guarantees an appropriate procedure with respect to standards and safety guidelines.